Wednesday 4 August 2010

Ironman Regensburg: a quick update

A full report will follow, but here's a quick update from my Ironman race on Sunday in Germany. My splits were:

Swim time: 1:09:06
T1 time: 4:45
Bike time: 5:34:05
T2 time: 4:43
Run time: 3:40:59

Overall time: 10:33:38

Very pleased overall with my Ironman time, my goal was to go sub 11 hours and secretly thought sub 10:45 was a possibility if everything went well (which it rarely does in Ironman!), so am well chuffed with a time of 10:33.

Regensburg was a lovely city, however with this being the first Ironman race here there were one or two minor things that will need to be tweaked for next year, but overall it was an amazing setting; if you want to do a good Ironman race in Europe that doesn't sell out within 12 hours, then this could well be the race for you.


Unknown said...

excellent time mate, well done, obviously a good plan well executed! enjoy the recovery..

Cavegirl said...

Yep, very well done!

Now go away and find other challenges, you have NOTHING left to prove at IM and EVERYTHING to lose! LOL!


Turbo Man said...

Congratulations Frank on an excellent race; I said you would fly! Enjoy the recovery.

Russ said...

Well done that's a great performance and a well paced race.

Kevin Lindeque said...

Fantastic performance, cant wait to read the full rae report

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Thanks for the comments guys!