It’s all about the bike…….. well, it is at the moment. The turbo has become my new best friend, and it’s been getting a good hammering over the last week or two. The plan is to use some reverse periodisation to build up my power before becoming more Ironman specific, that is starting to build some serious base through volume done at sweet spot intensity (all done with a power meter). The only problem with hitting the turbo hard now and building power, is that it is costly to the body, physically (metabolically) speaking. What does this mean? Well, it means I have to take refuelling very seriously during this phase, and I will probably be very tired for a few weeks. Turbo training at this intensity is hard work, but I think it will be worth it, I have quite a few months until IM Regensburg so I have time to execute this new type of training regime and see some real benefits. Train smart bloggers!
Its a great way to train at this time of year, and you can add distance in the Spring with your new found POWER!!! Grrrrrrrr
That's exactly the plan dude!
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