Thursday 20 May 2010

Floyd Landis admits doping

Floyd Landis has finally admitted he's a doper. Well, there's a surprise! We've seen it all before, deny, deny, deny, until such time as you can't deny it anymore and then confess!

Landis is also trying to implicate Lance Armstrong and Lance's long time team director Johan Bruyneel. It may be true (I've read some great books about Lance and his "involvement" in the doping culture) and I'm not naiive enough to think that Lance and the others are all squeaky clean, but can you trust Floyd's account of events?

He states in his emails that he hopes his allegations may serve some purpose if properly investigated, but the simple fact is this: had he come out with his allegations at the time of his positive test for testosterone in the Tour de France in 2006, they would have carried infinitely greater weight. To spend years in denial before turning round and contradicting everything you have clung to over that time – whatever the details you can produce – means that any attempt to investigate the allegations can be countered with one simple argument: why should any credence be given to someone who has behaved in this way? He's lied before, can he be trusted now?

I love the Tour and the Giro, but all this be becoming boring now. It seems like the UCI are not taking these claims very seriously either, “What’s his agenda?” Pat McQuaid, the UCI president, said. “The guy is seeking revenge. It’s obvious he does hold a grudge. There is no proof of what he says. We are speaking about a guy who has been condemned for doping before a court.”


Cavegirl said...

It all leaves a very nasty taste in the mouth doesn't it?

I love bike racing too but you do wonder what you are watching these days.

As for the UCI IMHO they are a waste of space with their own agendas; just look at how they treated Obree, their reaction to British track success, their tardiness in properly sorting the regulations so loads of age-groupers have invested hard earned cash on bikes which are now not 'legal'.

Shame on the lot of them!

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

As I mentioned, I'm bored by it all now! :-(