Monday 19 July 2010

Chrissie Wellington is a legend!

Chrissie Wellington had a simply breath taking day in Roth. The thing that sticks in my mind is the 2:48 marathon. You can talk about fast bike courses all day but the marathon, even if it is flat (and 1km short?), is unforgiving. I really think Chrissie could be the best there ever was. I would back her against the greats like Newby Fraser, Badmann and Baker or Jones et al. What we are seeing from Chrissie is history making racing. She actually came 7th in the whole race and "chicked" many male pro's! Roth may never see this type of performance again. In fact we may never see a more complete triathlete ever.

And while a lot of the plaudits are going on for Chrissie we can't forget Rasmus Henning. In short he was great. His run time too of 2:39 reminds me of the mighty Ironwar when Mark Allen and Dave Scott marched through the marathon in similar times. A time of 7:52 says he is a real favourite in Kona. Last season he was injured but now we will see if he is a great Dane. Train and race smart all!


Cavegirl said...

I've met Chrissie, a couple of times, and she is the nicest person you could wish to meet. Absolutely nothing about her is arrogant, she is just Chrissie. She must have been on the finish line in Lorient for 3-4 hours welcoming in every GB age grouper, a complete person in every sense.

Russ said...

That was an awesome and inspiring performance from Chrissie.

In fact Roth was an amazing race, with great online tracking and coverage. It was pretty exciting seeing so many fast times and Sub-8s. Shouldn't forget to mention Sebatian Kienle for debuting at Ironman distance with a Sub-8 time!

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

You're right Russ, great event with some awesome racing!

Kienle had an amazing debut, he's definately one to watch; must be the Biestmilch! ;-)

Turbo Man said...

Yeah, yeah, Chrissie is great. But more importantly where's your promised taper post?

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

It's coming Turbo. It's in draft format at the mo (I'm finalising my taper as we speak). Don't get too excited, you'll only be disappointed! ;-)