Wednesday 25 August 2010

1:25 or bust!!!!

That's it, I'm putting it out there! My goal for the Cardiff half marathon is 1hr25.

I think it is a bit of a stretch for me, but it's good to have a challenge! And that challenge has now been made public! I did 1hr28 at the Cardiff half marathon last year, however this year they have changed the course slightly, I'm not sure if it is going help or hinder me.

I have about 7 weeks until race day, that should be plenty of time (barring injuries) to get in top run shape, so there shouldn't be any excuses. If I'm able to run 1hr25 then I will, otherwise I will fail trying! I'll keep you updated on my progress. Train smart all!


Sags said...

You can do it Frank! All about pacing to 10 miles then unleash the fury for 5k!

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Thanks Sags. I think it might be just out of my reach, but it'll be fun chasing that time!

Cavegirl said...

Set off at 1:25 pace and stick to it! You can lift it a bit at the end if anything is left!

Good luck

Paul said...

Go for it Frank and good luck, I'm going for the same at a half in November.

Daz Sharpe said...

i'm after sub 1:25 too at the Vit next weekend ;-)

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Cheers guys! Daz, that's what makes you are quality athlete - 1:25 off the bike is hot stuff!