Tuesday 14 September 2010

Product review: Newton Gravity trainers

I bought a pair of Newton Gravity trainers recently, I had wanted to try a pair for a long time, before my Ironman in fact, but didn't want to change my trainer of choice before such a big event, just in case the trainer didn't agree with me. You may have heard a lot of hype about the Newton trainer, they've been around the running and triathlon scene for a little while now, and with elite pro's like Craig Alexander, Michellie Jones and Natascha Badmann using them they've received some good press.

In the last 9-12 months I consciously changed my running technique and moved to a more mid/fore foot striking action rather than a heel striking action. I wanted to use the Newton to try to encourage this new technique and hopefully make it permanent (practise makes permanent). So what's the Newton trainer all about? The Newtons have a few key features, the first is the reduced heel height (compared to height of the front of the shoe) to encourage mid foot striking and the second is their patented Action/Reaction forefoot technology (lugs on the fore foot) which encourages a natural or barefoot running gait and enhances the shock absorbency, leverage and energy return in the forefoot. It all sounds very space age, and to be honest I was slightly skeptical by all this, but it works. Or at least it SEEMS to work. In the Newtons I do feel like I am landing lighter and quicker, I am definitely landing on my mid/fore foot and it feels fast too. Certainly my 5k times have improved recently, whether that is because of the Newtons, another secret weapon I am currently using (I'll talk about this in a later blog) or just because I am fitter and faster, I'm not sure. But I like what I am seeing - long may it continue.

I got Newtons from Helen at Ten Point (www.ten-point.co.uk). Helen always provides amazing service and her knowledge in the biomechanics of running is second to none. If you're interested in running and changing your technique to a more effective and efficient style, give her a call, you won't be disappointed.


Cavegirl said...

The mind boggles at the unrevealed secret weapon!

Makes me laugh, everyone is taking up this new technolgy, that new potion just as I'm throwing everything away and going au natural!


Turbo Man said...

How on earth does that make you cycle faster? I'm baffled...

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Can't give my secret away just yet! ;-)

Cycling? You've lost me... ;-)