Sunday 23 January 2011

Ramp test

I carried out a Ramp Test today with Chris Tasker. Sam Stewart (one of our club mates) came along and did the test too. I've done a few bike tests in my time (like a CP20 or CP30) but I've never done a ramp test before; I knew it was going to hurt and I wasn't wrong! The test seems very easy at first and then creeps up on you little by little. Even though the test is relatively short in duration, it requires you to push yourself until you can push no more!

Chris is going to email me the results in due course, but it was good to lay down a marker and I'm sure I'll do another test in 6-8 weeks time; hopefully we'll see a steady progression. Train smart all!


Cavegirl said...

Did he do lactate testing too at each step, or was it RPE and heart rate?

They are horrid tests! I note you don't mention any wattage LOL! I ended my last one (April 10 I think) at 220 powertap watts 189 max hr - I just put that in so everyone can have a good laugh! But I don't weight much ... :-)

Sags said...

K - no idea if this is good or not?! Sounds good to me!

How did Sam go? She looking good?

Cavegirl said...

I'm sure plenty will come along and comment on the figure :-)

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

No lactate, just done with HR and power intervals on the Tacx Cosmos (almost the same as my Ergomo watts), don't know what my max was but it was over 300w. I'll be getting all the data from Chris in an email soon.

Sam went well, it gives her a good baseline, I'm sure she'll smash up the test next time.