Sunday 6 March 2011

Another 10k........more pain!

I did the St David's Day 10k race in Cardiff this morning and it was bloody freezing! The weather aside, it was a great day. My wife and her friend did the 5k run and my niece did the 1k run (I did it with her and it was more like 1.4k rather than 1k). They all did great, I am proud of them all!

I hoped I would be able to PB from the 10k time I did 3 weeks, this was a little ambitious as I've been under the weather for a few weeks, so training has been limited. I set off a little too quick (I went through 5k 35 seconds quicker than 3 weeks ago) and at the 6km point we turned into a very, very strong wind; this coupled with the inevitable fatigue meant I slowed and was unable to negative split as I had hoped. Nonetheless, I still managed a PB of about 35 seconds to come home in a time of 38:27.

All things considered, I'm pretty pleased with that time. I know when I'm fully fit and I've done a block of speed work I can get that time to 38 minutes dead, with the possibility of breaking 37 minutes on a perfect day. Train smart all!

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