Wednesday 27 April 2011

Hullavington duathlon race report

Just a very quick report from todays Hullavington duathlon. It was a tough day at the office, duathons hurt, especially when the field is stacked! But it was a good day for me. I haven't got previous times to compare against, but I know I am much faster this year than I have been in previous years (not hard, I hear Turbo cry!). The 1st run went ok and I entered T1 in 18:34 with Westy and Matt Tope. Happy with that, a quick change and then out on the bike. The bike was a tad windy on some stretches of the course and add to that some people were obviously not great bike handlers, I was fairly pleased to enter T2 in a time of 31:56 (note to self: more work needed on the bike!). Out onto the run, with Mike Masters about 5 metres ahead of me, he provided me the perfect target to chase down. I quickly passed Mike (he mentioned something about cramping after the race, but I think he was sandbagging!) and pushed on for the remaining 2k or so. The second run is so short, it's hard to chase people down, but I did manage to catch Paul Fullalove on the home straight to fininsh the 2nd run in a time of 9:12 to finish overall 45th with a time of 1:00:34.

It was great to meet up with all of the old faces and as Turbo eluded to, there were so many new faces too, RAF Triathlon is booming. OK, we might not be as fast as the Army (yet), but we'll get there. Train and race smart all!


Turbo Man said...

So much for you being at the back! Great race mate and glad I could add that little bit of extra encouragement as you came to the line!

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

I appreciated that shout mate, I was dying at that point trying to hold off Paul Fullalove!