From my chats with the bike fitter, the Retul system incorporates precise three-dimensional motion capture technology with a millimeter-specific digitising tool to provide an accurate dynamic fitting solution. In essence, using your biomechanics and a dynamic (not static) pedalling action to assess and adjust your bike to fit you.
Or direct from the Retul website:
Bicycle fitting is best measured during dynamic pedaling action. Static measurements tell the fitter very little about how the rider's body reacts and interacts in biomechanical motion. The Retul system reads the body in motion, in three dimensions. An observer watching a cyclist while pedaling cannot measure lateral, vertical and horizontal movement. The Retül system eliminates the guesswork and assumptive nature of fitting, providing the fitter with the most accurate data set available in bike fitting. The result is that the rider will have a true fit to his or her bike, maximizing efficiency and performance while avoiding discomfort or injury.
I'll let you know how the fit goes and whether I think it is cost effective for us average age-groupers. It is not cheap (although I am getting a military discount) but I want to cover all bases in the run up to IM Regensburg (probably my last Ironman) in August.
Anyway, must dash, got a beasting session on the turbo planned, train smart all!
I'll be very interested to hear how that goes, getting the bike fitting well is definitely a good idea especially for avoiding injuries. My knee is sore today from 5 hours and just been adjusting a few things in the hope that tomorrow I can ride 6!
I am interested in the results also and more imortantly the cost!
My fit is on Tuesday so I'll provide some feedback after that. I think I'm pretty "dialled in" on my TT bike, but lets wait and see.
Roy, I think the individual price is about £180, but if two of you go (like me and my mate) it's £250 for the both of you, PLUS you get another 10% off for being in the Forces.
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