Thursday 7 October 2010

What's been going on? Quick update

So what's been going on in Whittle World? I've not blogged for a little while, for various reasons, the main reason is I've been too busy. Last week I was out in Toulouse with work (not all it's cracked up to be I promise you), I've also been preparing and delivering a new run workshop and my "normal' job has been particularly busy too.

I have the Cardiff half marathon a week on Sunday. Training has been going well; until this week that is! Everything was going as planned, times were looking good in training and then it all went wrong, I hit a wall and fatigue took over. I've taken it fairly easy this week and I'm coming through the other side now. I'm going to tick over until race day (Sunday 17th), keep fresh and then go out and enjoy the race. It's going to be a good day, my wife and parents will be there, as will my 2 nieces; it's going to be fun!

I had word last week from TurboMan and CaveGirl regarding their Barcelona adventure (they were part of an Ironman distance relay team). It seems not all went as planned for both of them, but these things happen, we learn from them and move on. Strength can be gained through adversity.

The Ironman World Championships are happening in Kona in a few days time. The hype has been building across all the usual social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc) and the tension is rising on the Hawaiian island. For me, the women's race is a no-brainer, it's Chrissie Wellington all the way; unless she has (several) mechanical issues she's got it in the bag! She is on another planet compared to the other girls, she's a phenomenal athlete and can dominate Ironman for as long as she wants to. Now the men's race is a different matter. Crowie has got the chance to win 3 in a row and you'd be a brave man to bet against him, but I really think he's going to get pushed HARD this year. My money is on Andreas Realert and Rasmus Henning giving Crowie a huge scare, in fact I'm going to put it out there, my money is on Rasmus Henning to take the title this year. It's going to be a fantastic race!


Cavegirl said...

Need to listen to that body!

Good luck for the half :-)

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Always listen to my body. The half is just a bit if fun now, going to enjoy it!

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Amazing race in Kona!

Chrissie DNS due to illness, Macca wins again with a gutsy marathon and Mirinda Carfrae wins the womens race after running a 2:53 marathon! Good times.