Thursday 30 December 2010

Ready for 2011?

Are you ready for 2011? Isn't it amazing how quickly the year flies by? Or is that just me?!?!

Santa brought me a few new bits of triathlon bling, some new Look carbon pedals for my TT bike and a few new swimming toys (got to break the swim boredom some how!). On the swim side, I got a Finis alignment kickboard and a Finis swim snorkel, hopefully that'll give me a bit of motivation on the swim side as I find this discipline the most difficult to get excited about.

I'm now just starting to pull together some kind of triathlon plan for next season, I'm still to identify my A race but the smaller, more fun races are starting to come together. I'll also set myself some goals for individual test sets, based on last years times (or speed, power, etc) and my specific race plans. I hope you're all training smart (Sags!) and planning your race season with typical military precision! Or maybe not! Train smart all!


Turbo Man said...

I'm not ready for 2011 but I can certainly feel the enthusiasm returning. It all starts for me again on Monday but the first couple of weeks will be gentle 'get back into the training routine' sessions.

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Good man! Take it slow, ease yourself back into it, you're not as young as you used to be!!! ;-)

Kevin Lindeque said...

look forward to a year of blogging from you mate, wish you a good season

Turbo Man said...

Thanks for reminding me "Young Frank"!

The_Dude said...

Can't wait to see your results in 2011. I have the feeling you will be able to break some personnal records.

2011 will be a busy year for me, new baby in May, we will probably buy a house, I might change jobs and I'm planning on doing at least 6 triathlons.

Looking forward to read all your stories.

Best wishes for 2011 to you, your family and your friends.

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Thanks guys, best wishes for 2011 to you all!