Friday 4 March 2011

What's up?

So what's been going on in Whittle world? Not a huge amount to report on really. I've been under the weather (hence the virus cartoon!) for about 3 weeks, so not your normal cold I would have thought. I'm just about through it now, but I'm still being very careful with my training and my diet, I realise I'm not as young as I used to be and can't get by without being extra careful about these things. As I'm doing the Euro LD Champs in August, I'm glad I've got this bug thing out of the way now, I'd be gutted if I got something like this in June or July.

I attended our clubs training weekend last week, well, I attended some of it. I went to coach rather than train and to attend our club committee meeting. I took out a group of novices for some run technique work, it went quite well; it's nice when you see them have that "light bulb" moment and it all seems to click and make total sense to them.

I have a 10k race this weekend in Cardiff. I'm really looking forward to it, mainly because my wife and her friend are doing the 5k and my niece is doing the 1k race, whilst uncle Mark (me!) will be tackling the longer distance. I should really be doing low 38's or even, on my best day, high 37, but I'm not in that sort of shape at the moment. I may target some duathlons next year, I mean seriously train for them, I think I would need to be able to run 37's for a 10k to be near the pointy end of the field (I mean the pointy end of local not national standard races). I am doing a couple of duathlons this year, but they're not that serious for me, they'll just be used as a hard brick sessions and as an opportunity to see where my fitness is compared to previous seasons.

TurboMan will be pleased to hear that I'm doing a 100 mile sportive in a few weeks time! Yes, a sportive! I've never done one before, so it should be good fun. A few of my mates are doing it, hopefully I can hang onto them for a while, as my road miles have been very limited this year. Train smart all!


Turbo Man said...

Rest well and recover sooner; no point rushing it and suffering a relapse.

And welcome to the Sportive World; great fun although there are elements of the cycling community who are very anti sportives; most strange. I think that anything that gets people out on their bikes is a good idea. Just ride at a suitable pace (drafting is good!) and enjoy the scenery and chatting with your mates. And then nail it in the last 10 miles!

Daz Sharpe said...

Don't try and do anything silly in the 10k if you've been under the weather. Just get round it mate. I am now putting my season together based around the euro's too. See you there!

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

T-Man: I'm good at drafting!

Daz: can't guarantee I won't smack it! ;-)