Sunday 5 June 2011

Quick race update

A very quick update on yesterday’s middle distance race (I’ll post up a race report in due course):

Swim: terrible sea conditions! They almost cancelled the race. They ended up shortening the swim section instead. Very pleased to get out of the water in one piece.

Bike: Windy and hilly. I pushed it too hard trying to stay with another competitor (a girl! She won the women’s race).

Run: OK run, suffered a bit in the final few miles due to the hard bike.

Overall: 4:26. 23rd overall and 2nd in my AG.

Tough day at the office, but pleased with the final result. Full race report to follow!


Unknown said...

lets carry this on then seeing as you made it so easy for me.....
shortening the swim, priceless!

well done mate good result.

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...


It would have been too choppy for a man with your skills, however the Foor wetsuit of yours swims by itself doesn't it?!?! ;-)

Unknown said...

its the wetsuit Foor the man that doesn't have to try too hard!

are you at Odiham? if so hopefully see you there

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

No Roy, can't do Odiham, got work commitments I'm afraid.