Friday 3 June 2011

Busy, busy, busy.......

Well, it’s been a busy week or so since my last blog post. When you factor in family time, training, work, commuting to/from work, study (in my new job I have to do some education), sports massage, etc, etc, it soon adds up! And to add to that I’ve got a race on the weekend which I’ve had to prep for, it all adds up to a busy time, rushing round, trying to complete all your tasks to the best of your ability.

On the training front, I’m just putting the finishing touches to the big final training block with my coach, before my A race, the European AG Champs in Finland in August. We’ll be upping the duration of the sessions and getting race specific with a 4k swim, a 120k bike and a 30k run in mind. A bit of information came through from Daz about the race, it seems that it’ll be a simple 1 lap rectangular swim route (no convoluted zig-zag route), a fairly flat 4 lap bike route and a flat 4 lap run route. The course sounds like it could be fast, well, fast for the likes of Daz anyway!

As I alluded to above, I have a race this weekend. I have the Weymouth middle distance triathlon which consists of a 1.9k sea swim, an 85k bike and a 21k run. I’ve done this race a few times (I had a bit of a breakthrough race on this course last year) so am familiar with the area, however, there is a new bike and run course this year. This means I can’t compare last years time with this year, so I’m re-framing my thoughts on this race. I know if it was the same course I would definitely be chasing a time goal, but due to the changes in the course I can’t do that, so I’m not putting any emphasis on a time goal, I’m just going to race it hard and see what happens. This takes a bit of pressure off and allows me to just race it hard and try to enjoy the day.

Anyway, must dash, things to do, train and race smart guys!


Daz Sharpe said...

good luck this weekend mate, first test of the fitness for the long course

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Thanks mate, tough day at the office, but pleased with the final result.