Thursday 26 May 2011

Open water swimming

I did my first open water swim of the year yesterday with James Organ and Adam Hale at Tri Open Water in Bristol. I have the Weymouth middle distance triathlon next weekend, so thought I'd best get out and do some open water swimming before race day. I tell you what, it was freezing! OK, you soon warmed up, but when you get it, it was baltic!

As I was putting my wetsuit on James spotted a nice big hole under my armpit! You know what that means don't you? Yes, a new wetsuit! I'm looking at a BlueSeventy Helix and possibly an Xterra Vortex 3, both top of the range suits and both offering some good discounts at the moment. Watch this space!

The swimming went ok, each loop was 600m and we ended up doing 4 loops each. I hope to get down to the lake once every 3 weeks or so and build up from 4 loops to 6 or 7, taking me up to 3600m or 4000m. I just hope the water warms up soon!


Daz Sharpe said...

xterra mate you know it makes sense. My old suit was blue seventy and the xterra is soooooo much better and more flexible. Doug Malcolm was complaining about his blue seventy on monday at our open water swim lake and was saying it wasn't flexible enough in the same areas I said. Yes it would be easy to say that i'm going to side with xterra due to my sponsorship but I can honestly say if I'd bought the suit I would say exactly the same.

Daz Sharpe said...

oh and its the vendetta that's top of the range, the vortex 3 is the enty level one.

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Thanks Daz, I'll check out a few options before buying.

I realised it was the Vendetta after posting it up, but couldn't be bothered to change it!

Turbo Man said...


My Blue Seventy Helix is sitting doing nothing and, if it fits you, I'm sure we could do a deal. OK, it may not be the latest thing but it's not too shabby and you would save a bundle of cash.

Mine is a ML (I think). I will be at Odiham and can bring wetsuit if you're interested.

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Thanks T-Man. I think it might be a touch big for me & also I think I may have got an amazing deal for a new suit. Thanks again mate!