Friday 29 July 2011

Product review: Multipower UK endurance products

Multipower UK sent me a load of goodies to test and review a few weeks ago, they’re part of their Endurance range and with Will Clarke as their main ambassador, triathlon is seen as an ideal target for these products. Just to be clear, I’m not sponsored by these guys, so have no need to big them up, the views expressed here are my own and totally impartial.

I received the MultiCarbo Energy Gel, the MultiCarbo Drink+, the Iso Drink and some Recovery Bars. I’ve used all of the products over a variety of sports and distances, from short sprint swim intervals to 19 mile endurance runs and now feel more than qualified to offer an opinion on all of the products.

Here’s a quick run down on the products:

MultiCarbo Energy Gel: The energy gel came in two flavours, Cherry-Banana and Lemon, both providing 26g of carbs. I used these on some longer bike rides; they provided the quick boost that I expected, keeping my energy levels up when I was starting to feel that inevitable fatigue creeping in. The Cherry-Banana flavour was nice, but the Lemon one took me back to my childhood, it tastes of Lemon Bon-Bons! Lovely!

MultiCarbo Drink+: The MulitCarbo Drink+ was Red Orange favour (different name, I know!) and is billed as a pre-training drink with magnesium to help prevent cramping. I drank this with my breakfast before a 4 hour bike ride, just to top up my energy stores before setting off on a long ride (I also ran off the bike too, so nutrition was all important on this day). The Red Orange flavour was really quite nice, a more subtle flavour, not overpowering or sickly sweet at all like some carb drinks.

Iso Drink: This Lemon drink was taken during my short interval swim sets, an open water swim session and during some the longer bike and run sessions. It worked well, there was no sign of the dreaded “bonking”, but the flavour, for me, was a little weak when compared to the Lemon MultiCarbo Energy Gels.

Recovery Bar: This protein rich bar is mainly aimed at promoting recovery after a hard session, but it tasted so good I was eating them as a mid-morning snack and during my longer bike rides. The bar was slightly soft, so it was easily digested when out on the bike and the chocolate flavour was just right, definitely not overpowering. Very, very nice!

Overall, I was very impressed with the product range. As I’ve been a triathlete for over 10 years, I’ve tried every drink, bar and gel on the market, and these products are more than a match to the more established companies. The Lemon flavoured MultiCarbo Energy Gel and the chocolate Recovery Bar were definitely winners for me, with the rest of the range coming a close second. I’m sure Multipower UK will be huge in the coming years, it won’t be long before you see these products in your normal triathlon, biking and running stores and believe me, they’re good. Check them out, you won’t be disappointed!

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