Monday 8 August 2011

Back from my holidays!!!!

I've been quiet lately as I've been away on my holidays! I had 8 or 9 days in Orlando, Florida with family friends, enjoying a fantastic time doing the Disney theme parks. Now I'm back, I feel like I've been on a training camp!!! If you've ever done Florida you'll know just how tiring these theme parks are! We did all the major parks, as well as doing the shopping malls and seeing an amazing show (Cirque du Soleil), I was knackered!

Going out to Florida with less 3 weeks to my A race is not perfect planning, as the training inevitably took a hit. But that's the life of an age-grouper I guess. I managed to run 6 or 7 times in those 8 or 9 days, but there was no swimming or biking to be done. The running consisted of about an hour each session, some sessions harder, some slightly easier, but with the heat and humidity in Florida in August they were all pretty tough!

Time to get some swim and biking done over the next few days and then start backing off after the weekend in preparation for the Finland race. Lots to do between now and then, lots of last minute prep and sorting out my bike, a bike box (thanks James!), nutrition, currency and other bits and bobs. Oh, and start back on the never ending OU reading/assignments (result in from 2nd assignment this week - 85%, happy with that!)! Train and race smart all!

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