Thursday 20 October 2011

Cycling track session

I went to Maindy cycle track yesterday to join in with Ajax CC and their group session. Just to set the scene, Maindy track is an outdoor track and they have sessions for novices, intermediates and experienced track users. As it was my first time on the track with Ajax I went into the novice group (I have ridden at Newport track once) to learn the ropes of riding on the track. The group was mixed with experienced road riders like myself to people who have only ridden a road bike once or twice in their life. This mix of riders proved to be tricky at times as some of the bike handling skills were quite poor (I'm being polite) and some of the guys thought their fitness levels were greater than they actually were; so at times the session was quite challenging. In fact, I nearly pulled off the track at one point as it was getting quite dangerous!

Anyway, towards the end of the season everyone was much more confident and the riding was much safer and faster, hopefully next week everyone will be flying and we can get in a great session, looking forward to it!

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