Saturday 18 September 2010

Ironman Wales

The word on the street is there will be an Ironman event in Wales next year! Apparently the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) who own the Ironman brand are going to make an announcement next week about a full distance Ironman event to held in Tenby, west Wales in September next year.

This is massive news and could be a huge money spinner for the west Wales economy, which is historically dependent on tourism for its income. If this rumour is true it will make for an amazing race, the scenery in that part of Wales is truly breathtaking, however I'm not sure it will be a fast race due to the undulating countryside around Tenby.

Could this race tempt me out of Ironman retirement, I'm not sure? But you never know! Watch this space.......


Unknown said...

what do you mean retirement! one fast IM and its all over?

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Fast IM? Not from me mate! Having a year off from IM training and racing.

What about you Roy?