Monday 10 January 2011

A few bike falls...........

It would seem a few of us took a tumble on the weekend whilst out on our bikes. And yes, that includes me! I went out for a bike ride with friends Chris and Bryn (not from Gavin & Stacey!) on Sunday, it was cold and icy to say the least. So whilst waiting for the guys to arrive I cycled up and down the street, just to make sure my gears were fine, etc, and whilst taking a (very) slow turn my front wheel went from under me and I was over. Fortunately I was only going slowly and there was no traffic about, so I escaped unhurt (apart from my pride!). Chris and Bryn arrived only for Chris to regale a very similar story to mine where he took a tumble 100 metres from his house too! I didn't feel so bad now! We didn't let that stop us, we soldiered on and ended up having a great 3 hour ride sandwiched between a great coffee stop (mmmmmm, hot chocolate!).

It sounds like Sags had a worse tumble than myself and Chris on the way to work, nothing too serious I hope, just a bit of road rash by the sounds of it. It couldn't have been that bad, as he still managed to get to the pool for his scheduled swim session - road rash or no road rash! Keep safe guys and train smart!


Cavegirl said...

Mmm, 2 of 3 people crash before you even start the planned ride, 'it was cold and icy to say the least' ... it begs the question ... why continue?

Glad you managed to get round without further incident but is it really worth risking a 6 week lay off with a broken bone (or three or worse)?

Or maybe it's as Mr Grok has just interjected 'because it is typical blokey athlete mentality'!

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

Why continue? The ice was on my street, not on the main road, the main roads had been gritted so they were fine.

Thanks for your and Mr Grok's concern.

Sags said...

Rock on Mr Grok! Probably true but I am revising my riding escapades if the temp goes near freezing - Turbo Time!!

Anonymous said...

You're a bit of an Abdoujaparov aren't you? After riding in to me on Fuerteventura as well ;-p

Mark "Frank" Whittle said...

I think we both know the truth James! :-)

Turbo Man said...

Good effort on the spelling of the Tashkent Terror's name there James!